Carbidostal Carbide-steel Карбидосталь FERRO-TiC FERRO-TITANIT Powder steel High Speed Powder Steel Punching powder steel Hard melt Titanium carbide
This site contains materials on formation and development of tool steel production in Ukraine by powder metallurgy methods.
Work was carried out in two directions:
- Getting high-speed and die steels by gas spraying a jet of liquid melt into powder.
Thereby, fine-grained formation of the carbide phase is achieved with instantaneous crystallization of micro-ingots (powder particles) and uniform distribution of carbides over the cross section of powder particles, which is unattainable with conventional technologies.
At the same time, it is possible to increase the alloying of steels and increase the volume of the carbide phase without significantly reducing the physicomechanical properties.
Both factors lead to an increase in the wear resistance of the powder steel tool.
As a result, the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy decided to build a workshop for the production of powder tool steels at the Dneprospetsstal plant in Zaporozhye, totaling 3,500 tons per year. Production equipment and know-how items were purchased from the Swedish company ASEA-STORE. Production began in 1979.
- Development of compositions and technology for producing composite tool materials from a mixture of fine powder steels and solid refractory compounds.
An attractive idea is to produce tooling steels with particles of titanium carbides, one of the most refractory and hard carbides. Such a composite in the annealed condition should be machined for the manufacture of complex tools. After heat treatment, the wear resistance of a tool made of a composite should exceed the tool life of steels as usual and powder production.
In 1979, the term “Carbidostal” was proposed for materials of this class.
Work on carbide steel in real production were not translated.
The information provided cannot be complete and comprehensive due to circumstances. The site is under development, additions will be made to existing articles, as well as new materials.
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In the photo, employees of Department of powder metallurgy and forging press production of the Institute UkrNIIspecstal, 1983.
Sitting: - in the center, fifth from the left - Head of department Osadchiy A.N. - sixth from the left - Head of metal science group Parabina G.I. - fourth from the right - Deputy head of powder metallurgy laboratory Kondratov I.Ya. Second row: - first from the left - Head of work on carbidostal Bokiy Yu.F. - third from the left - Research engineer of carbidostal group Kuratchenko S.B. - fourth from the left - Head of steelmakers group of powdering section Kononenko A.A. - fifth from the left - Metal science and metallographical research executor Zubkova V.T. Third row: - second from the right - Head of experimental section group Palamarchuk A.F. - fifth from the right - Research engineer of forging production Soynikov I.F.